Thursday, February 14, 2008


These are the two other designs I made for the True Love Waits campaign. The one on the left is about SHAME...about sin and forgiveness. We all commit mistakes and often times fall from temptations. The good thing about this campaign is hope. It doesn't condemn us but gives us a glimpse of the wonderful plan God has for each and everyone of us. It teaches us to stand from every fall. That after all the wrongs we made God can still make us what He planned us to be. And thats what the next design is about...PURITY. God promised to forgive us from our sins when we confess it to Him and repent. He said He will make us as white as snow. The white rose simply captured that essence; mild, sincere, unblemished & pure.


TLW stands for True Love Waits, a movement that encourages young people to take a vow of celibacy as a way of honoring God. It means these youth will not get into pre-marital sex and other forms of sexual promiscuity like pornography. It's a call to total purity not only with the body but with the mind and spirit as well. It also teaches youth to see love and marriage in biblical perspective.

Here are some of the creatives I made when our church had this campaign in 2006. I designed 4 banners for the campaign. The far left is about LOVE and the other is about MARRIAGE. I used photos to illustrate the themes and took bible verses to support the image. White is dominant in the work making it look very simple and subtle.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Nepo Mall Valentine & Chinese New Year Poster

It will be Valentine's Day next week. Everyone again is conditioned to feel in love and be romantic. Sometimes it feels like we humans are being manipulated to act a certain way as dictated by our environment & traditions or probably even by commercialism. Don't get me wrong, I just feel that Valentine's Day is only for those who can't express their feelings on a regular basis or for those who are shy & introvert (that probably includes me) and Valentines give them a good reason to do a little effort and be cheesy.

This is a Valentine/Chinese New Year I designed last year for Nepo Mall. One of my favorite poster I made for Nepo Mall. I like the fact that it looks subtle and veer away from red as the dominat color.

Nepo Mall Banners

I created these banners last year for Nepo Mall in Angeles City for their Valentine & Chinese New Year activities. A few weeks I go, I went to Angeles and noticed that they are using the banners again. I was flattered that they probably like the design that they used it again though I'm pretty aware that can be also one of their cost-cutting efforts nonetheless I'm glad to see the banners again on display.